Our First Proper Day

Due to the fact that sometimes my body and mind like to battle each other for dominion, this morning my body wanted to sleep, but my mind was having none of it! From 4am until 6am, I was laying, trying to convince my mind that sleep was a godo idea. This does lead me to the idea that the mind may not be a single personality, as if my mind did not want to sleep then what was arguing with it? Anyhow… Today was definitely a work day! Things had calmed down over the festive period and we had started to consider out new marketing approach to drum up business! However, the last few days have been a little flurry of emails of potential clients and Sara has been busy working through those as she is much better than I at not putting people off, my sense of humour can be a little distracting at the best of times, and yes I do call it humour even if it does come out as something more like an insult! πŸ™‚ The landlady arrived with a young man to fix the refrigerator, alas I feel it is too late for the remnants of my farty salads!! The will have to be buried deep in the bowels of the earth where they can do no harm to human kind, at least not for a few generations, and then technically that is somebody else’s problem!! I began to feel a little stir crazy after about 12 hours of work today and left Sara for about 45 minutes, in which time I went for a little stroll, which ended up with me going to a place called Puerto Madero, as I am looking for a new gym. The place I went to look at was called Megatlon, and it is a chain of gyms here in Buenos Aires. The one in Puerto Madero is pretty small, and the machines while new, looked pretty old fashioned in comparison to the ones I have been using in the UK. Fortunately, I am not a gym snob, well I do not think so, despite the fact that I prefer showers to be personal cubicles with doors, rather than a pit in which you are hosed down with other inmates!! I had a few laughs with one of the guys there that spoke English pretty well! The girl that had been giving me the information explained that the gym membership for 3 months would cost about 1900 pesos, and there is a 200 peso membership charge and this covers the necessary medical with a doctor. I asked about this, and it is basically an ECG to ensure that one has a regular heart rhythm, which could be interesting in my case. Anyhow, I walked away laughing at the fun banter. On the way back I took some photos:


Leaving Puerto Madero 1


Leaving Puerto Madero 2

I find myself constantly treading on the uneven pavement and all sorts of materials. See if you can spot why! There is a free bottle of invisible, weight-less wine glasses for the lucky winner that supplies the correct answer!


The Pavement is Missing 1


The Pavement is Missing 2


The Pavement is Missing 3


Leaving Crap Wherever It Falls


Road Drainage Pipes in the Curb

Graffitti Image 1

Graffitti Image 1

Graffitti Image 2

Graffitti Image 2

Graffitti Image 3

Graffitti Image 3

Graffitti Image 4

Graffitti Image 4

Interesting Building

Interesting Building

Property in San Telmo

Property in San Telmo









Having returned from my gym excursion, Sara and I decided to try out an organic vegan restaurant on the other side of town, and as we had been locked up all day, I really wanted to walk, and was really pleased that Sara agreed. The walk looked to be about 90 minutes long. We set out, checking in on-route with a health food store that I had heard mentioned (see the last image below: 100% Natural – health food store).


A Large Clock Tower Covered In Netting


A Big Lump of Bricks Arranged In A Nice Way


A Tupperware Store (closed)


100% Natural Health Food Store (closed)

Finally after what turned out to be nearly 2 hour of walking, and at no shabby a pace, we arrived at the restaurant. You’ll be amazed to hear, that it was closed!! No idea why and no reason could be seen!! πŸ™ So another night without proper food. I ended up eating about 5 raw food bars from the UK. This can be added to the gazillions that have been sustaining me since yesterday. Sara was very hungry so we stopped at a restaurant on the way home and she grabbed a small plain pizza! We sat and she ate it, it was the least I could do after making her walk for 2 hours. We did get the subway back, which proved to be a very quick and comfortable ride.

4 thoughts on “Our First Proper Day

  1. Dean

    Glad to hear that you are getting out. Two hour walk to a closed restaurant, maybe we should call you the “punsiher” not sure why? The gym sounds pricey compared to what we pay here, are there any other local options? Is the subway a reasonable price? Did you manage to buy some food at the natural health store? How close is the beach?

    1. jj and Sara Post author

      As mentioned in my blog of 8th February, I think that the restaurant was actually open, and I was not paying attention!! :s Oops!! The gym is pricey, and I will investigate some of the others! I have been somewhat sidetracked, but it is definitely high on the list of items to resolve! πŸ™‚ The public transport here is ridiculously cheap! The subway from here to the restaurant (2 hours walk) costs in the region of 2.50 pesos, which is about 30 pence in real money, well real to me!! πŸ™‚ The natural health food store turned out to be less awesome than I expected. I have been given another address for an organic supermarket, but that is only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as one would expect… :s So I will wait to try there. We have a home deliver service coming tomorrow, so we will see what their products are like. I think that the nearest beach may be Brazil!! πŸ™‚ Only joking, but I do think that it is pretty far away. I will investigate that once I have the local surroundings sorted out a little more. Thanks for reading and please feel free to subscribe to get an email when I publish a new blog. πŸ™‚

  2. Phyllis

    Lovely architecture, but a shame about the state of the pavements and roads. Rather reminds me of Rio with a lot of money, but letting the basics go to pot. Have you been able to source industrial strength Vibrams? Possibly not, as it is probably a lower priority than the food πŸ™‚

    1. jj and Sara Post author

      I am labelled as a freak in the UK for wearing the Vibrams, well that and other numerous reasons that I’d rather not go into right now. I think it is only a matter of time before I am chased with pitchforks and burnt as a heretic. I think that you are right about the architecture though. It seems it was very grand here once. I have been reading that there have been protests regarding the government in very recent history. The usual story of corruption at the top for the last few governments, at least that is the rumour!


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