Category Archives: Veg*n Food

A Page From A North American Western Novel

The Passing Of Time …

So it is that we will soon hit the 6 month mark of our stay here in Argentina. So what have we done in the months leading up to now you may ask, and why the big break in writing. I would love to have an deep and meaningful answer, but unfortunately I lack the intellect and Sara lacks the time, so maybe we’ll postpone the deep and significant parts for another time and just use this post just for fluff and gags! 🙂
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Sara The Racer

Will Work For Food

Well, another week has drifted by and well it has been quite a week! This episode of our lives is going to be kept to text as I am writing against the clock, and the clock is winning!! As some of you may have heard it has been quite a week for Argentina with a new pope of Argentine origin and del Potro beating Djokovic in the tennis (thanks for that information dad)! *phew* However, and please sit down for this, another significant occurrence has happened while people have been distracted.
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Eva & Argentina

Differences Of Opinion

It seems that life is becoming a little more certain! Well as certain as things will ever be in a place like Argentina!

When we first came here, I had a few ideas and hopes. I thought that things would be cheaper, as I like the idea of saving money, and I thought that we would have some sunshine, a chance to escape some of the cold grey days of the great British winter. I think that I have been surprised somewhat by the costs. Due to the desire, according to what I seem to be hearing, that Argentina strives to be virtually self-sufficient, and relying little on North America and Europe, especially in the direction of agriculture, this seems to bring about a huge variation in costs, and availability. With regards to the sunshine, well, it is pretty consistent, and my curiosity at looking at the future, courtesy of the Weather Channel website, seems all but fruitless! They have predicted a number of storms and downpours, that all seem to just change and disappear, only to be replaced with sunshine. Originally the weekend was supposed to be rain for both days, and while we did get some cloud yesterday, for the most part, the weather is hot and sunny!
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Entrance To A Very Unfarm-like Farmer's Market

Meeting The Natives & Finding A Farmer’s Market

Prior to our departure for all things Argentina, I like to do a range of reach outs, and what with the glory of the Internet, this is actually quite possible. One of the companies that I found, and that I contacted was Cocina Verde, and they are a health food home delivery service. We have had a few emails bounce back between us and the owner of the business, a displaced American, named Kara Bauer. When we arrived she was not in the country, but she got back last weekend. Anyhow, it turns out that she lives just around the corner and that she wants some information and advice on things website based. So it seems that we may be able to assist people here as well! Yippee for being useful.
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